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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Our Class Sale!

What a lovely bright and sunny afternoon it was today for Class 1's sale! A huge thank you to all who supplied us with delicious cakes and goods for us to sell! It was so lovely to see so many of you there supporting us too! Your children really did you proud and organised the whole event themselves! They held meetings, made posters and cakes, created a rota of duties, set up the sale and were wonderful little shopkeepers! Each class visited the sale in turn and we had quite a rush on at times but the children coped brilliantly, putting their 'helping hands' to excellent use! We raised an incredible £85.30 for our friends from Cottesmore Playgroup who will be moving to our school site after Easter. The money will go towards some much needed storage equipment for them! Thanks so much for supporting this worthwhile event... the children got so much out of it!

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