EYFS: Acorns
Our curriculum follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 2021. This document stipulates the seven areas of learning and development which must shape our educational programme which should build a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships, and thriving. It also highlights the Early Learning Goals for the 7 areas of learning – Prime and Specific - which are assessed at the end of the year. Throughout the year we will complete daily, weekly, monthly, and termly formative assessments/observations on the children to ensure we are providing exciting and engaging activities which will move the children’s learning forward. This will be delivered through a wide range of experiences where we will take advantage of cross curricular experiences which enable children to use past and current knowledge and skills to maximise their learning. Each year creates a new bespoke curriculum for the children – some areas of learning within the curriculum will be covered annually – such as seasonal change, traditional tales – however this will be encompassed within our topic choice for that term.
We know that our children in EYFS learn best through playing and exploring, being active and thinking critically and creatively – we provide this both indoors and outdoors throughout the year – children are keen and inspired to exploring outside even if the weather is poor - children are encouraged to make their own decisions on where best to extend their learning and which resources they may need to ensure they are maximising their learning.
We follow the Read Write Inc programme for phonics in EYFS and KS1. This is delivered daily from week 3 of Term 1 to every child through whole class, group and individual teaching for those children who find this an area of additional challenge. Letter formation is also taught alongside recognising the sounds for both reading and writing. As the sounds are introduced the children are encouraged to practise these at home, these are sent home in a learning log. As the children’s phonics awareness continues to develop, they will then begin to take reading books home to help to develop fluency when reading.
Individual support and group support will be provided for those children who find learning a little more challenging and are not on track to meet end of year expectations to ensure they have every chance to achieve the Early Learning Goals.
Communication is key in Early Years and ensuring that we develop strong relationships with families enables us to work collectively to support the children to become successful learners. We use Class Dojo as a communication tool, sending regular photos home of children’s achievements and messages on our current learning and how this could be supported at home. This allows parents to engage regularly with their child’s journey and have the opportunity to contribute with successes and experiences the children have had at home or out in their community. Termly documentation is sent home – Medium Term Plan, Term letters etc.
Throughout the children’s EYFS year they will provided with opportunities that many children may not have experienced before. For example, visits to a museum, animal parks, large adventure playground. We aim to ensure that all visits are linked to our current learning which develops further interest in the current topic. (Due to Covid-19 we have not been able to do this since March 2020)
Throughout the year children will be come increasingly confident and independent in many areas of their learning and prepared for the transition into year 1. The teaching team meet to discuss needs of the children as a class, group and individual needs.
Our classroom is one which will support children through a kind, caring, happy and nurturing environment. Throughout the year the children will build a foundation for learning which will support them through their school journey. Children become resilient, resourceful, respectful, reflective, responsible and most importantly ready for new challenging which we all continue to face every day of our life.