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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Year 2: Beech Tree

Term 6

Hello and welcome back to term 6, our final term together in year 2. 


I hope everyone had an enjoyable half term break. We have some great events in term 6, including the Rutland Learning Trust Athletics Event in Corby, Class photographs, our trip to Burghley Sculpture Park and Sports Day alongside our fantastic learning for the term.


Term 6 will see us consolidate some of our year 2 learning in writing and maths alongside becoming historians, scientists and architects. It’s going to be a fantastic final term!


As part of our literacy, we will be writing an explanation text and an  invention narrative using the book Rosie Revere Engineer as a stimulus. 


In maths, we will complete our current learning on measurement before revisiting multiplication and division before ending the year exploring statistics. There will also be opportunities for the children to consolidate what we have already learnt this year and apply problem solving and reasoning skills.


The afternoons will be spent exploring the wider curriculum. In Religion and World Views we will be looking at how we care for the world, each other and why this is important. In history, we will be going on an adventure learning about explorers. We will then focus on how important Ibn Battuta was as an explorer. In art, we will explore the idea that architects design and make buildings, and have the opportunity to explore the architecture around us, and create our own architectural models. In science, we will be conducting our own experiments to observe and describe what seeds need to grow and stay healthy. In PHSE we will be understanding how we change as we get older. In our PE sessions we will learn to play cricket and look at health and fitness. As always, we will be focussing on our EPIC values of reflectiveness and forgiveness.


For enrichment this term the children will have art with Mrs Morton. 


Key information:

  • PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please wear PE kit on both those days.
  • Please bring in wellies for playtime and lunchtime if your child wishes to go on the field.
  • Spellings and homework will be the same as last term and will be sent out on Fridays.
  • Our Reading Heroes challenge will continue, if children read 5 times a week they get 1 sticker and if they read 7 times a week they will get 2 stickers. When they get 10 stickers they will receive a choice from the Reading Heroes box in assembly on a Wednesday and move onto the next colour challenge


As always, please do not hesitate to contact me via ClassDojo or via the school office if you have any questions.


I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday.

Term 5


Hello and welcome back to term 5, I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter break.


Term 5 is going to be a creative term for us, where we see ourselves as writers, designers, artists and photographers. It’s going to be so much fun.


As part of our literacy, we will be writing a letter and then our very own version story based upon the book The King who Banned the Dark. We will also learn how to perform and write poetry.


In maths we will explore fractions, recognising a half, quarter and a third before moving on to position and direction and ending the term by looking at measurement in more detail.


Our afternoons will be spent exploring the wider curriculum where we will be designers once again in design and technology, exploring books with leavers and sliders before creating our own moving parts for a book. Continuing with our creative theme, we will be exploring our environment through art, recording our thoughts and feelings in our sketchbooks, using a variety of techniques and resources before composing a finished piece of artwork. In computing, we are going to be using the iPads to take photographs, explore them closely and then use technology to help us change the photographs before creating a pic collage of our images. In PHSE we will be looking at friendships and relationships and through it all we will be focussing on our EPIC values of resourcefulness and compassion.


The children will also have French this term with Madame Honorez.


For enrichment this term the children will be heading down to the allotment with Mr Alfieri. Fingers crossed for good weather on Friday afternoons.


Key information:

  • PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please wear PE kit on both those days.
  • Please bring in wellies for playtime and lunchtime if your child wishes to go on the field.
  • Spellings and homework will be the same as last term and will be sent out on Fridays.
  • Our Reading Heroes challenge will continue, if children read 5 times a week they get 1 sticker and if they read 7 times a week they will get 2 stickers. When they get 10 stickers they will receive a pencil in assembly and move onto the next colour challenge.


As always, please do not hesitate to contact me via ClassDojo or via the school office if you have any questions.


I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.


Thank you.


Mrs Jones

Term 4

Hello and welcome back to Term 4.


We have another exciting term ahead of us full of exciting learning opportunities and experiences on the build-up to Easter.


This term we will be jet setting to Kenya, refreshing ourselves on the continents and oceans before we compare life in Kenya to that of the UK.


As part of our literacy, we will be writing a story using Grandad’s Island as a stimulus. We will also learn how to write an information text about jungle animals.


In maths we will continue with our multiplication and division unit focusing on division. We will then move on to geometry where we will identify and sort 2D and 3D shapes, explore the key features of 2D and 3D shapes and finally make patterns with shapes. Finally, we will end the term looking at money, exploring pounds and pence.


Our afternoons will be spent exploring the wider curriculum. As part of our geography learning we will explore the world learning more about the continents, oceans, equator and Kenya before we compare Kenya with the UK. In science, we will be learning more about animals including humans and what they need to survive and be healthy. Our design and technology links to our science as the children design and create their own version of a fruit salad. PHSE further supports our healthy living and eating as we learn how we can keep ourselves healthy and safe. In computing, we will be making music using computers to support us. As part of our RE curriculum we will be exploring why Easter matters to Christians. In PE, we will have one lesson of gymnastics and the other being creative.


Enrichment will be with Mrs Mason where the children will exploring computing.


Key information:

  • PE days will now be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please wear PE kit on both those days.
  • Please bring in wellies for playtime and lunchtime if your child wishes to go on the field.
  • Spellings and homework will be the same as last term and will be sent out on Fridays.
  • Our Reading Heroes challenge will continue, if children read 5 times a week they get 1 sticker and if they read 7 times a week they will get 2 stickers. When they get 10 stickers they will receive a pencil in assembly and move onto the next colour challenge.


As always, please do not hesitate to contact me via ClassDojo or via the school office if you have any questions.


I look forward to seeing everyone in the morning and starting our next exciting term together.


Thank you.

Term 3


Happy New Year and welcome to Term 3.


I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas; I look forward to hearing all about it.


This term we will be travelling back in time to 1666 and exploring what happened during the Great Fire of London. As part of our literacy, we will be writing our own newspaper reports about the key events during the Great Fire of London followed by a story based on the Great Fire of London. Our history lessons will support our writing by learning all about London in 1666, exploring housing, the timeline of events for the Great Fire of London, differing viewpoints, read some of Samuel Pepys diary entries and finally we will design and rebuild London. In our design technology lessons we will be using wheels and axles to design and create our own fire engines that might have helped prevent the spread of the Great Fire of London.


In maths we will be moving on to multiplication where will focus on equal groups, arrays and doubling. Finally, we will explore division looking at sharing, grouping and dividing by 2, 5 and 10.


As part of our wider curriculum we will be exploring our dreams and goals as part of PHSE, What the good news is that Jesus brings in RE, expanding our French with Madam Honorez and in PE we will be developing our Tennis skills alongside balance and performance.


Enrichment this term will be music with Mr Starkey. PE days will be continue to be on Monday and Tuesday. 


If the children wish to go on the field at playtimes, it will be the same as previous terms and wellies will be required.


I have attached a weekly timetable and some images of our exciting term ahead. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.


As always if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on ClassDojo or via the office.


Thank you.


Term 3

Term 2


Hello and welcome back to Term 2.


We have a busy but very exciting term ahead of us in the build up to Christmas, one of my favourite times of the year.


We will start the term with a focus on Remembrance Day, writing our own poems, learning more about the history of Remembrance and creating our own mono prints of poppies. As we progress through the term we will start to focus on Christmas taking part in the whole school Christmas story writing and of course taking centre stage in the NATIVITY.


In Literacy we will write poetry for remembrance, a setting description based on The Night Gardener and finally we will team up with the whole school to write part of a Christmas themed story.


In maths, we will continue with addition and subtraction and use different methods to complete these calculations.


Our afternoons will be spent exploring the wider curriculum. In science we will be building on the children’s previous learning of everyday materials, RE explores why Christmas is important to Christians, Art will see the children design and create their own mono prints, History will be exploring Remembrance, PHSE focuses on celebrating our differences and of course PE twice a week focusing on balance and points of contact.


Enrichment will be with Mr Platt where the children will be exploring computing.


Key information:

  • PE will continue to be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please wear PE kit on both those days.
  • Please bring in spare outdoor footwear (wellies are preferable) for playtime and lunchtime if your child wishes to go on the field.
  • Spellings and homework will be the same as last term and will be sent out on Fridays.
  • Our Reading Heroes challenge will continue, if children read 5 times a week they get 1 sticker and if they read 7 times a week they will get 2 stickers. When they get 10 stickers they will receive a prize in assembly and move onto the next colour challenge.


As always, please do not hesitate to contact me via ClassDojo or via the school office if you have any questions.


I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning and starting our next exciting term together.


Thank you.


Hello everyone and a warm welcome to the Beech Class webpage for 2023/24.


I hope you all had an enjoyable summer. We have a fabulous year ahead of us this year. I am really excited to be teaching your fantastic children this year. We will be joined in the classroom by Miss Mohammed and Mrs Smart who the children know already from previous years.


I will update the website with information termly but for more up to date information, photographs and notices please see ClassDojo.  I look forward to getting to know you all.


Mrs Jones


Term 1


During the first term, our main topic is ‘What makes Peterborough a special city?’ During this geography unit, we will explore and identify different geographical features, including the continents and oceans. We will also be making comparisons between different areas of the UK.


In maths, we will focus on developing our knowledge of place value before moving onto addition activities. In literacy, we will recap the objectives covered in year 1 through the story A River by Marc Martin. The children will then learn how to write a non-chronological report.


The other subjects covered in term 1 include RE (Who is Jewish and how do they live?), PE (Invasion games and footwork), Science (Living things and their habitats), PSHE (Being me in my world), and French.


Other important information:

  • Please remember to bring a water bottle, reading book, reading record and learning journal to school each day (Reading records and books will be given out w/c 4th September).
  • Please remember to bring a pair of outdoor shoes/wellies when the weather gets wetter.
  • Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays, and the children are to come to school wearing their kit that day.
  • Homework: Daily reading, maths and Spelling will be given each week (Homework will start from w/c 4th September and will be given out on a Friday).


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via ClassDojo or the school office.


Many thanks,


Mrs Jones

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