Year 2: Beech Tree
Hello everyone and a warm welcome to the Beech Class webpage for 2024/25.
I hope you all had an enjoyable summer. We have a fabulous year ahead of us in year 2. I am really excited to be teaching your fantastic children. We will be joined in the classroom by Mrs Gordon and Mrs Gale who the children know already from previous years.
I will update the website with information termly but for more up to date information, photographs and notices please see ClassDojo. I look forward to getting to know you all.
Mrs Jones
Term 1
During the first term, our main topic is ‘What makes Leicester a special city?’ During this geography unit, we will explore and identify different geographical features, including the continents and oceans. We will also be making comparisons between different areas of the UK.
In maths, we will focus on developing our knowledge of place value before moving onto addition activities. In literacy, we will recap the objectives covered in year 1 through the story A River by Marc Martin. The children will then learn how to write a non-chronological report.
The other subjects covered in term 1 include RE (Who is Jewish and how do they live?), PE (Invasion games and footwork), Science (Living things and their habitats), PSHE and French.
Other important information:
- Please remember to bring a water bottle and a healthy named snack. No nuts please.
- Once provided please bring reading books, reading record and learning journal to school on Mondays and Fridays (Reading records and books will be given out w/c 4th September).
- Please remember to bring a pair of outdoor shoes/wellies when the weather gets wetter.
- Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays, and the children are to come to school wearing their kit that day.
- Homework: Daily reading, maths and Spelling will be given each week (Homework will start from w/c 2nd September and will be given out on a Friday).
- Please ensure you order your child’s school meals every week via unless you are supplying your child with a home packed lunch.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via ClassDojo or the school office.
Many thanks,
Mrs Jones