Year 1: Cherry Tree
Cherry Tree Class 2023-24
Welcome to Term 6!
And just like that we are in the final term! How the year has flown by! We have so many exciting plans in the weeks ahead!
The theme for our learning this term is ‘How does your garden grow?’ In Science we will be learning about plants and are looking forward to some real hands on experience through our weekly sessions to Forest School and trips to the school allotment as part of our enrichment for this term.
In Art, we will be continuing to experiment with watercolour paints through the theme of ‘landscapes’. We also are very excited about our trip to Burghley Sculpture Gardens on Monday 10th June where we explore the varied world of sculpture and take part in a clay sculpture workshop.
In RE, we will be thinking about our own special places and then looking at special places of worship for Christians and Muslims. We will try and answer the question ‘Why are some places special to believers?’
In PSHE we will be thinking about 'Changing Me' and we will also focus on being EPIC by demonstrating 'reflectiveness' and 'forgiveness'. We will move on to developing keyboard skills this term in computing.
Our PE sessions for the Term 6 will continue to be on a Wednesday. There will no longer be a PE session on Monday now due to our weekly Forest School sessions. We are also looking forward to taking part in the Rutland Learning Trust Athletics Event on Friday 7th June at Corby and our school sports day on Wednesday 26th June.
Our statutory Phonics Screening Check will take place during the week beginning 10th June. Please keep practising any sounds I have sent home and the homework activities at the bottom of this page!
In Literacy we will be reading the story 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey and using this as a basis for all our learning. In addition, the children have a daily phonics session where we focus on learning sounds, reading and writing. We will continue to read and write words containing all Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds (including reading 'alien' or nonsense words).
In Maths we continue to work to practise counting accurately in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10s. We will keep counting, reading and writing our numbers up to 100. We will also be covering time, position and direction. Please remember to keep using our Numbots App too!
For more detail on the rest of our learning, please see our termly plan and knowledge organisers below.
As always, please get in touch via Class Dojo if you have any queries.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Morton