Year 1: Cherry Tree
Cherry Tree Class 2024-25
Welcome to Term 3!
The theme for our learning this term is 'Where do we live?'. We will be finding out about our local area in Geography focusing on the village of Cottesmore. We will learn about physical and human features in our locality and explore further afield to Rutland Water.
In Design Technology this term we will be donning our aprons and focusing on food technology. We will be learning all about vegetables and designing and making our own soup ready to share with our friends in Year 2!
In RE we will be asking ourselves 'Who is Muslim and how do they live?' We will be finding out about the Prophet Muhammed, the Shahadah, the Qur'an and prayer time.
In Literacy we will be reading the story 'Hermelin - The Detective Mouse' and using this as a basis for all our learning. In addition, the children have a daily phonics session where we focus on learning sounds, reading and writing. We will also continue with our weekly spellings of Y1 Common Exception Words.
In Maths we will be focusing on 2D and 3D shapes before moving onto addition and subtraction (up to 20). I hope the children are continuing to enjoy the Numbot's App at home to help with their recall of number facts.
Our P.E sessions will take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school in their P.E kit for these days. We will be developing our ball skills and tennis skills this term. There will be no Forest school in Term 3.
Each day, children need a named water bottle in school (containing just water please) and a healthy snack if they wish to have one at break time. We recommend a piece of fruit, chopped vegetables, yoghurt, cheese, smoothie etc.
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via Class Dojo. Do keep an eye on Class Dojo updates as this is our main form of communicating with you.
Mrs Morton.
This is what we are learning about in Term 3: