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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Year 1: Cherry Tree


Cherry Tree Class 2023-24


Welcome to Term 5!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter break! Can't believe we are in Term 5 already! We have so many exciting plans in the weeks ahead!

The theme for our learning this term is a geographical one and we ask ourselves 'What is the United Kingdom?' We will be finding out about the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom and using key geographical vocabulary to describe the physical and human features in each location.



Our weekly Forest School sessions will pause again this term and instead we will return to two sessions of PE a week. These will be on Monday and Wednesday so please remember to send your child into wearing their PE kit on these days.


In art we will be exploring printmaking and also learning how to make simple digital art using computers. 



In PSHE we will be thinking about 'relationships' and will be learning the importance sharing and overcoming disagreements ourselves.


In Literacy we will be reading the story 'The Secret of Black Rock' and using this as a basis for all our learning. In addition, the children have a daily phonics session where we focus on learning sounds, reading and writing. We will continue to read and write words containing all Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds (including reading 'alien' or nonsense words).


In Maths we continue to work on addition and subtraction within 20 focussing on quick recall of number facts, doubling, halving and odd / even numbers. We will also look at units of money focussing on 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins. This will lead in to us counting accurately in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10s. Please remember to use our Numbots App too!


In RE, we will be revisiting Islam and asking ourselves 'Who is Muslim and how do they live?'.

We will also be focussing on being 'resourceful' and our Christian Value is 'compassion' for this term.


For more detail on the rest of our learning, please see our termly plan and knowledge organisers below.




  As always, please get in touch via Class Dojo if you have any queries.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Morton 


This is what we are learning about in Term 4:

This is what we learnt about in Term 3:

This is what we learnt about in Term 2:

This is what we learnt about in Term 1:

See our History and Science knowledge organisers for Term 1 below.

Please see our Knowledge Organisers for Term 2 below:

Copies of letters sent home

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