Week 3 20/04
Weekly Plan - Year 5w/c 20th April 2020Please hover your mouse over the activity you wish to complete, you will then be able to access a PDF document, video or PowerPoint slideshow with instructions for that particular task.
This week, I would love to see the finished piece of writing about The Piano Man so I can give you some feedback and possibly Dojo Points! As well as this piece, it'd be great to see how you get on with one of the Topic tasks for the week. The topic tasks for each week will be outlined on the 3rd slide of the Knowledge Organiser. PLEASE DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO DO THEM ALL. IT IS BEST TO CHOOSE AT LEAST 2 TASKS TO DO BUT CHOOSE THE TASKS THAT YOU ARE MOST INTERESTED IN DOING.
Additional activities for you to have a go at if you'd like!
Don't forget about the coding website too! Here's the link for that: https://studio.code.org/s/coursee-2019