Term 6 - Week 6: Dawn chorus!
Dawn Chorus
Hopefully, last week you managed to attract some new visitors to your garden! This week's nature enrichment is to stop and listen to the stunning dawn chorus.
You'll need to be an early riser but how you do it is up to you:
Hardy adventurer: Get up, wrap up and head off on a wild walk to listen to our feathered friends.
Back-garden birder: Slip into your back garden and listen to your locals with tea and toast only moments away.
Bed slug: Those of you with a soft spot for a warm bed needn't miss out either! Open your window, lay back and listen to the symphony.
What do you need to do?
Every spring male birds sing during the early morning to attract a mate. The chorus reaches its peak around half an hour before official sunrise and can be heard in gardens, parks and tree-lined streets from March.
The chorus reaches a peak in May, and can last well into July.
- Use the fun mnemonics and phonetics on the birdsong recording sheet (find the link below) to start learning some common bird songs. You'll have loads of fun impersonating your favourite garden birds and, if you listen to the birdsong recordings in the RSPB online birdguide too, you'll be surprised how quickly you can distinguish different calls!
- Decide whether to take your challenge during a wild walk, in your back garden or garden or via an open window from the comfort of your own bed!
- Pick a day for your adventure and remember to set your alarm! This is the hard part but if you're not already an early riser, it's well worth getting up nice and early to witness this natural spectacle at its peak.
- Stay quiet and listen. Cup your hands behind your ears to make giant elephant ears and you'll be amazed at how acute your hearing gets. By turning your head, you'll also be able to distinguish different songs from different locations.
- Use the birdsong recording sheet to make a diary of your adventure.