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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Week 1 - British Birds!

British Birds!


My challenge this week comes in two parts! A is to keep a record of the different birds that you see. B is to help me to identify the birds I have seen in my garden.


Part A


I wonder how many different types of birds you will encounter this week. You might like to look out of your windows, go out into your garden (if you have one and it is safe to do so) or look whilst you get your daily exercise out of the house.


At the end of the week, upload your findings to Class Dojo on your Portfolios and I'll take a look.


If you would like to, you could draw or paint some of the birds that you spot.


Part B


Can you help me to identify some of the birds I have seen in my garden?


I have included an identification chart to help you to identify some common birds that you might see and I have also included a link to a more advance identification tool to identify other, rarer birds (RSPB A - Z).


Have fun and I'm looking forward to seeing all of the birds that you spot!


Mr Alfieri

Garden Bird Identification Chart

Mr Alfieri's Mystery Birds

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