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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Year 3/4: Maple Tree

Hello and welcome to the Maple Class page for 2024/25!

Term 3


Welcome to term 3. 


This term, the children will be taught separately for maths, with Mr Alfieri teaching the year 4 children from Maple and Willow. This way, the year 3 children can focus on the times tables and fractions learning that is important to learn at year 3, and the year 4 children can focus on the remaining times tables!


In literacy, we will be reading Escape from Pompeii and A Girl Who Stole An Elephant. The skills we will focus on this term are using adverbs in our story writing, as well as writing in different tenses when we write some diary entries.


This term in history, we will be learning all about the Romans! We will discover how Britain changed during the Romanisation of Britain and how this has shaped how we live our lives today. In science, the year 3 children will learn all about light, and the year 4 children will learn all about sound. In PE, we will focus on gymnastics and yoga. In PSHE, we will learn all about citizenship and in computing we will produce information on google slides. The children will also be taught French this term with Madam Honorez.


Thank you

Term 3

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