Year 4/5: Willow Tree
Welcome back to Willow Class and an exciting year ahead!
This year, Willow Class will be taught by myself, Mrs Mason. We are also really looking forward to having Mr Eustace and Miss Broomfield supporting us in the class this year.
This 2024/25 Willow Class webpage, will provide information for each term and will be updated accordingly. The main method of communication for ongoing information, will be through Class Dojo.
We are really looking forward to this year and the fantastic learning and fun activities we have have ahead of us!
Term 3
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to an exciting Term 3, where we are going to be exploring the Romans! We shall be answering our Big Question, 'How did the Roman Invasion change life for the Britons?' We will be studying why the Roman army was so successful and identifying how the Romans changed Britain.
In literacy, we shall be studying 'The Revolt of the Romans' by Tony Bradman and we will use this is a basis for writing our own narrative. This unit, we will be focusing upon speech and dialogue to convey character and advance the action of a narrative. We shall also be writing an explanation text based upon the Roman invasion.
In maths, year 4 will be recalling division and multiplication facts for tables up to 12. They will also be counting in multiples and recognising and using factor pairs. In Year 5, we will be counting in powers of 10 up to 100,000 and will be identifying multiples and factors. We shall also be investigating square and prime numbers.
RE, will see us studying the Hindu religion. We will be identifying the Hindu Gods and exploring how Hindu followers show their faith at home and beyond. We will also study the festival of Diwali and the significance of it.
In reading, we will be studying the fantastic book, ' Cosmic Boy' by Frank Cottrell Boyce. We shall be focusing on prediction this term and how we can use evidence from the text to predict the next steps in a story or to predict how we think a character may behave based upon what we have read so far.
Science, for Year 4, is all about sound! It is a fantastic unit where we develop our understanding of how sounds are made. We will define key vocabulary such as vibration, pitch and volume and undertake an investigation to identify why sounds get fainter the further they travel. Year 5, will be studying living things and how plants reproduce.
This term, we shall also be doing a computing unit where we will create and save a presentation on Google slides, insert new slides, a new text box and add text. We shall also insert images about the text and add simple animations.
In PSHE, we shall be exploring citizenship and understanding the role of local councillors. We will be looking at the consequences of breaking rules and looking at the role of charities in the community.
PE will see us undertaking a unit based upon dance and also yoga, thinking about techniques and body awareness.
Our Christian value for this term is tolerance and our 'R' value is understanding how to be respectful towards others.
Here is some more key information:
- Please bring a water bottle, reading book, reading record and learning journal to school each day.
- Please bring an outdoor set of shoes and an indoor set of shoes each day. (You can leave the outdoor set in school if you wish).
- PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday and children are asked to come in their PE kit on those days.
- Homework: Daily reading, Times Tables Rock Stars, Quick Maths and Spelling will be given weekly.
Should you have any questions regarding the information on this page or any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo or the school office.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Weekly Timetable
Termly Overview
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 2
Welcome back to Term 2, which is always a fun and exciting term, leading us up to Christmas!
This term, our 'Big Question' is, 'What kind of world did Jesus want?' and in RE, we shall be studying the four Gospels to identify how Jesus wanted Christians to live and looking at how Christians put Jesus' teaching into practice.
In maths, we will continue to develop our knowledge and understanding of decimal fractions. We shall then move onto area and perimeter, along with starting to look at time and how we understand the 12 and 24 hour clock.
In literacy, we will be writing a narrative based upon the fantastic book, 'The Ship of Shadows' by Maria Kuzniar. We will be studying arranging paragraphs around a theme and linking them so that our writing is cohesive. We shall also be writing a Remembrance poem and will perform our finished poems to the class, reflecting upon the use of grammar and vocabulary to convey emotion. It is also the term in which we undertake a whole school writing project as we prepare for our Christmas Write... more details to be announced later in the term!
The Christmas theme continues in reading, as we immerse ourselves in the world of Ebeneezer Scrooge in the Charles Dickens classic, 'A Christmas Carol' with a focus on the use of inference.
Year 5 science will focus on the stages of human development and Year 4 will be investigating all things electrical, which will involve constructing their own simple series electric circuits!
Art, will see the children learn about storytelling through art and they will have the opportunity to illustrate a narrative! In DT, we will be studying shell structures and creating our own gift box (just in time for Christmas!) We will design, make and then evaluate our final pieces. In music, Miss Pattison will be helping us understand what is meant be 'pitch ' and 'pattern' and creating different rounds with the children which they will then perform to each other.
PE this term, will be based upon gymnastics and we will be studying different balances and then choreographing our own routines, incorporating different movements and balances. PSHE, is all about our health and wellbeing and considering how we can relax and identifying our strengths and what makes us happy!
We will also be discussing how we can be resilient and ensure we are honest and our British Value for this term, is the Rule of Law.
Other key information:
- Please can all children bring a water bottle, reading book, reading record and learning journal to school everyday.
- Please bring a set of outdoor shoes and indoor shoes to school each day. (If children wish to go on the field when it is wet, then they will need wellies).
- PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and so please can children come in PE kit on those days.
- Homework: Daily reading and Time Tables Rock Stars. Spellings and Quick Maths will be set weekly.
Should you have any questions regarding this information or any other queries, please contact me either through the School Office or Class Dojo.
Many thanks!
Mrs Mason
Weekly timetable
Termly Overview
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 1
The Anglo Saxons and Vikings open our exciting history unit this term! We will be finding out about the Viking raids and answering our 'Big Question', concerning how successful the raids were. We shall identify the date of the Viking invasion and understand the causes and effects of it and discover what life was like for people during this time.
In maths, we shall be looking at place value and numbers up to one million, along with rounding numbers and negative numbers. We shall also be estimating, adding and subtracting up to 4-digit numbers and undertaking inverse operations.
Literacy this term, will link in with our history unit, as we study the book, Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd Stanton. We will also be reading the excellent, Viking Boy, by Tony Bradman and both of these books will support us in writing both character and setting descriptions. We will also be writing an information guide as our piece of non-fictional writing.
Other curriculum subjects covered this term include RE, where will be studying Christianity and building upon our understanding of Pentecost and its significance. PE will focus on hockey and football and developing our skills in these areas along with improving our personal coordination in our Real PE sessions. In science, Year 4 will be undertaking investigative work through the unit, 'Animals, including humans' where we will study the digestive system and recreate our own system to help our understanding of the various processes undertaken. Year 5 will be studying the unit, 'Earth and Space' and investigating gravitational forces.
In PSHE, we will be considering 'Families and Relationships' and recognising all families are different and in Art, we shall be undertaking observational drawings and sketching creatures in their natural habitats.
We also have a fantastic Art Day project, where we will be exploring the works of Pablo Picasso and creating our own portrait in his style!
We shall also be considering what it means to be kind and how we can ensure we are always ready to learn.
Here is some more key information:
- Please bring a water bottle, reading book, reading record and learning journal to school each day.
- Please bring an outdoor set of shoes and an indoor set of shoes each day. (You can leave the outdoor set in school if you wish).
- PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday and children are asked to come in their PE kit on those days.
- Homework: Daily reading, Times Tables Rock Stars, Quick Maths and Spelling will be given weekly.
Should you have any questions regarding the information on this page or any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo or the school office.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Weekly timetable
Termly Overview
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 6
I hope you all had a wonderful half-term and are looking forward to our final term of the school year!
It is set to be a great Term 6 in school, with many fantastic events and activities planned! We have Sports Day to look forward to, along with a RLT athletics event at Corby. There is also an exciting Science Day for the Year 5 children at Casterton College, along with a Year 4 Science Day at Uppingham School!
Our big question this term is, 'What will make our school and village a more respectful place?' Through our RE learning, we will consider how different religions support their communities and we will make connections between people's beliefs and they way they live.
In maths, we shall be looking into measurement and how to estimate, compare and convert different measurements. We will also be studying shapes (2D and 3D, along with lines of symmetry and translations. Angles will also be a focus, where we will explore obtuse, acute and reflex angles and identify the degrees of these angles. Coordinates will also be an area of study, learning how to plot coordinates to create a given polygon.
Literacy this term, will see us explore the text - 'The Boy with the Butterfly Mind' by Victoria Williamson. We shall use this text as a basis for writing our own full narrative, where will effectively use literary features to create our opening, build-up, main event/problem, resolution and ending!
In reading, we shall be continuing our focus on vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising skills. We will be reading the classic text, 'The Secret Garden' by Frances Hodgson Burnett as our class book and we are really looking forward to exploring the archaic vocabulary within it.
In PSHE, we will be looking at how we perceive ourselves and consider ways to develop our own self-esteem. We shall also be thinking about the move to a new year group in September and how we can prepare for any changes.
PE, will see us developing our rounders skills! We will be undertaking activities involving ball skills, throwing and fielding techniques.
In Art, we will be working with charcoal and will be creating pieces in the style of Edward Degas. We will explore how the medium can be used effectively to shade and add lines and will replicate a scene from a narrative, using charcoal.
In Computing, we shall be using video technology to create an iMovie and considering ways to film and improve our recordings. I can't wait to see what the class are able to create!
Our Christian value this term, is forgiveness and the school value is reflection. Throughout the term, we will focus on ways we can show compassion to others and ensure we are being resourceful within school. We shall be re-visiting all the British Values during this term.
Other information:
- PE kit to be worn on a Tuesday and Thursday.
- Please ensure learning journals and reading records are brought into school each day.
- Please can children have an indoor and outdoor pair of shoes. Can you also please ensure children have a sun hat/cap with them each day and make sure that sun cream has been applied on those sunnier days (which will hopefully arrive!)
If you have any questions, please contact the office or drop me a message on Class Dojo!
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Term 6 Weekly Timetable
Termly Overview
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 5
Welcome back to Term 5!
I am really looking forward to this term and rehearsing for our production of, 'The Greatest Show'. I can't wait for us to learn all the songs, routines and play script all before we put on what I am sure will be a fantastic show for the parents and school family!
In maths, we shall be diving into all things related to fractions! We shall learn how to compare fractions, identify equivalent fractions, recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and add and subtract fractions. We will also look at multiplying whole numbers by fractions.
Literacy this term, will see us explore a classic text - 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. We will be studying characterisation and how to use commas to split clauses. We will also further our understanding and application of relative clauses and how to link paragraphs to ensure our writing is cohesive. Our final write will involve constructing a piece with a cliff-hanger ending!
In reading, we shall focus on vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising skills. We will be reading, 'The Middler' by Kirst Applebaum as our class book.
In PSHE, we will be looking at relationships and how to build positive ones within school and also amongst our community. We will think about and celebrate our personal qualities and those of our classmates and will consider ways to support our friendships and work through disagreements. We shall also investigate how to stay safe when communicating with our friends online.
PE, will focus upon athletics! We will be undertaking activities involving running, throwing and jumping and will look at the ways we can improve our technique to achieve fantastic results!
In French, alongside our weekly learning, we have an exciting French Day planned with Madame Honorez, which will be fantastic and a day I am really looking forward to!
Of course, the term begins for Year 4 with the residential visit to Hilltop! I am sure they will all have an amazing time and myself and the Year 5's look forward to hearing all about their adventures when they return! Some of the Year 5 children will also be participating in Bikeability during the first week back, which will be a great learning experience for them.
Our Christian value this term, is compassion and the school value is resourceful. Throughout the term, we will focus on ways we can show compassion to others and ensure we are being resourceful within school. The British Value this term, is mutual respect.
Other information:
- PE kit to be worn on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Please ensure learning journals and reading records are brought into school each day.
- Please can children have an indoor and outdoor pair of shoes (hopefully we will have drier weather this term but there may be times when wellies will be required for the field!)
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Term 5 Timetable
Termly Overview
Term 4
Welcome back to a new term, packed with many exciting activities!
Our big question this term, is 'How does Italy compare to the UK?'. We shall be finding out the location of Italy, using our skills with an atlas and will then compare the biomes, landscape, climate zone, energy and exports of the both the UK and Italy. It should be a really interesting unit, where we can use our geographical skills with atlases, maps and digital and computer mapping to locate countries and describe different features.
In maths, we will be exploring multiplication and division, looking at short and long multiplication. We shall also be using the short division method with division. Once we are efficient with these methods, we will be applying these methods to solve problems, using mathematical reasoning.
Literacy, will see us starting a new unit based upon the book, 'Where We Once Stood' by Christopher Riley. It tells the stories of the moon landings and I am sure the children will find it both engaging and fascinating! There will be a focus on organising our writing around themes and taking inspiration from the text. This term, we will also cover persuasive writing and the use of modal verbs to support this style of writing.
Our RE unit, is based upon 'Salvation' and we will be studying the Easter story and exploring what Jesus' sacrifice means to Christians. We will look into why Jesus died and the events that occurred leading up to his death.
In science, Year 4 will be studying classification and will use classification keys to identify different types of flora. We will also study how environments can change, which can pose dangers to living things. Year 5 science, will focus upon forces. There will be a study of gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction. Investigations will also take place using levers, pulleys and gears!
Tennis, is our PE unit this term and it will be great to build upon skills the children have already started to develop. We shall be looking at ways to recognise space on an opponent's court and understand how to position our bodies to receive a ball from different angles.
In PSHE, we will be looking at 'Healthy Me' and considering the ways we can be healthy in terms of our friendships. We shall also study the ways we can look after our bodies and understand facts about the effects of alcohol and smoking on our health. We shall be using our computer skills in this unit to reflect upon our learning in PSHE. We will use templates, add fonts and edit images to create posters and information leaflets.
Our Christian value this term is loyalty and our school value is responsibility. The British Value we will be focusing upon is Individual Liberty.
Other information:
- PE kit to be worn on Tuesday and Thursdays.
- Please ensure reading books and learning journals are brought into school each day.
- Please can children have an indoor and outdoor set of shoes (wellies required for the field as it may still be very muddy!)
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Term 4 Timetable
Science Knowledge Organiser Year 4
Geography Knowledge Organiser
Term 3
Happy New Year!
I am really looking forward to starting a new year, with lots of fantastic activities planned for Term 3!
In maths, Year 4 will be working on developing their knowledge of times tables and multiplication. Year 5 will continue their work on decimal fractions and both will be investigating multiples, factors and prime numbers.
I am really excited to start our next class book, 'Who Let the Gods Out?' by Maz Evans. It ties in brilliantly with our history unit and our literacy focus on myths and legends. We shall be looking out punctuating direct speech and using speech to convey character and advance the action in a story.
RE, will see us develop our understanding of Islam. We will be looking at the 5 Pillars of Islam and examine the ways in which Muslims worship and also the place of worship.
In science, Year 5 will continue to explore the unit on living things and will be studying the reproduction of plants. Year 4 will be investigating sound. We shall look at how sound travels and explore the world of pitch, volume and vibrations! We will be using musical instruments to help us understand how we hear sounds.
Ancient Greece is our study in history! We will be finding out about the ways in which the Ancient Greeks have influenced our lives today, looking at democracy and studying the ancient Olympic games. We will also be delving into the world of artefacts and considering what they tell us about the past, to help our understanding of it.
With a new year beginning, we will be thinking about 'Dreams and Goals' in PSHE and what we want to achieve and how we can give ourselves the best chance to successfully achieve our targets.
In PE, we will be testing out our gymnastic skills, involving balance, movement and planning a routine to perform. In Art, we will be working with shape and colour and using collage as a medium as well as printing.
Our Christian value this term, is tolerance and we will also be learning how to ensure we are respectful. The British Value we will focus on is being tolerant towards different cultures and religions.
Other information:
- PE kit to be worn on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Please ensure reading records, reading books and learning journals are brought into school each day.
- Please can children have an indoor and outdoor set of shoes (wellies required for the field as it may still be very muddy!)
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Term 3 Timetable
Termly Overview
History Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 2
Welcome back to an exciting Term 2!
We have a fantastic term ahead with some great learning opportunities and activities in the lead up to Christmas!
In literacy, we will start by writing a poem based upon Remembrance and consider how we can use language to convey emotions and descriptions. Our book this term, is The Last Bear, by local and award-winning author, Hannah Gold. We will be delving into this story and using it to support our writing. We shall be focusing on the use of fronted adverbials and how to link ideas across paragraphs. We will conclude the year with our whole school Christmas literacy project!
In maths, we be developing our understanding of decimal fractions and ordering and rounding them to 1 and 2 decimal places. We will also calculate area and perimeter and solve problems based around these. Finally, we will study time and how to convert between digital and analogue clocks.
Geography this term, is all about earthquakes and volcanoes! We shall be exploring the structure of the Earth and understanding how plate tectonics causes these events. We will also be looking at mountains and locating ranges on a world map. Our big question this term is, 'What is it like to live along a fault line?' and we shall answer this through our research into those who live near fault lines.
The RE unit we are studying is Christianity, where we will be studying God and
discussing what it means if God is holy and loving. We shall have a visit to the local Church and explore how God is represented there, along with identifying what we can learn about God by looking at hymns and God's actions as stated in the Bible.
Year 4 science is going to be exciting, as we undertake practical investigations around the theme of electricity! We will be building simple series circuits and exploring what we need to make a bulb light. We will also undertake an investigation into insulators and conductors and electrical appliances in our daily lives. Year 5 science, is studying humans and the changes that take place during puberty. The gestational period and life expectancy will also be studied and comparisons made.
PSHE, will focus on cultural differences and understanding what is meant by racism. Bullying and the direct and indirect forms it can take will also be studied as well as looking at how we can be respectful of those with different cultures and enjoy experiencing those cultures.
PE, will focus on football and how to mark opponents effectively and understand how to retain possession. We will study attacking strategies and how to work and play as a team. In Real PE, we will undertake static balances and jumps and create routines which demonstrate these movements.
DT, is going to be great fun this term! We will be creating a textile-based item, based around a Christmas theme! The unit will require designing a 2-D item which can then be made into a 3-D product to take home for Christmas!
Our Christian Value this term is honesty and our school value is resilience. We will be discussing these and will try and put them into practice over the course of the term.
Other things to highlight:
- PE kits to be worn on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Please ensure reading records, reading books and learning journals are in school each day.
- Please can the children have an indoor and outdoor set of shoes. (Wellies are optional.)
Many thanks!
Term 2 Timetable
Termly Overview
Geography Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 1
This term, our topic is history and we shall be delving into the fantastic Egyptians and finding out all about them. Our key focus will be upon religion and belief in Ancient Egypt. Throughout the unit, we shall be exploring Egyptian Gods, significant festivals, the role of the Pharaohs and considering how this period differs to other ones we have studied previously.
In maths, we shall be looking at place value and numbers up to one million, along with rounding numbers and negative numbers. We shall also be estimating, adding and subtracting up to 4-digit numbers and undertaking inverse operations.
In literacy, we will be reading historical fiction and our focus book will be the brilliant 'Egyptolgy' by Dugald Steer. We will also be reading, 'Secrets of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll. We shall be using these books to support us in writing a setting and character description. This term, we shall also be writing a non-chronological report, based upon the Egyptians.
Other curriculum subjects covered this term include RE, where will be studying the question, 'How can following God bring freedom and justice?'. PE will focus on hockey and personal coordination and footwork. In science, Year 4 will be undertaking investigative work through the unit, 'Animals, including humans' and Year 5 will be studying the unit, 'Earth and Space'. In PSHE, we will be considering 'Being me in my World' and French will focus upon new vocabulary.
We also have a fantastic Art Day project, where we will be exploring the works of Vincent Van Gogh and creating our own portrait in his style!
We shall also be considering what it means to be kind and how we can ensure we are always ready to learn.
Here is some more key information:
- Please bring a water bottle, reading book, reading record and learning journal to school each day.
- Please bring an outdoor set of shoes and an indoor set of shoes each day. (You can leave the outdoor set in school if you wish).
- PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday and children are asked to come in their PE kit on those days.
- Homework: Daily reading, Times Tables Rock Stars, Quick Maths and Spelling will be given weekly.
Should you have any questions regarding the information on this page or any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo or the school office.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Term 1 Timetable
Termly Overview
History Knowledge Organiser
Science Year 4 Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 6
Term 6 is going to be a fantastic (and hopefully sunny) term for Willow Class!
We have some great learning opportunities and brilliant activities planned.
In literacy, we will be studying, 'The Lost book of Adventure' by Teddy Keen. It is based on a series of notebooks by an unknown adventurer, who travelled along the Amazon River. The book also includes some beautiful illustrations, which I am sure will inspire the children! We shall also be studying a particular type of poem, known as a 'Cinquain' and I can't wait to see the children create their own version of this style of poem.
In maths, we will be looking at position and direction and developing our understanding of coordinates. We will also be studying statistics and how to read graphs and tables. Volume, is an area we will also be exploring, as well as negative numbers.
In science, Year 4 will be finding out about states of matter and learning how temperature can lead to changes of state for various materials. They will also study the 'Water Cycle' and undertake an investigation to deepen their understanding of condensation and evaporation. Year 5, will be developing their knowledge of electricity and will be looking at circuits and how voltage affects the brightness of lamps within a circuit.
In RE, we will be considering the 'Journey of Life' and how love and commitment can be shown. We will be looking at Christianity and the Jewish faith and identifying significant moments in the lives of their followers. We shall also explore the ways commitment is shown in religious and non-religious ways.
Art this term, will provide an opportunity for children to create a monotype print. We will study the work of the artist, Kevork Mourad and the tools used to create monotypes. The children will use their sketch books for design ideas before evaluating these and creating their very own print!
In PSHE, we will be studying where our personal characteristics come from and looking at how our body can change. We will be thinking about strategies we can adopt to cope with changes to our body.
In computing, we will be studying digital images and understand that these images can be changed and combined. We will also consider whether changes always improve an image.
Cricket will be our PE focus this term, where we will develop fielding and catching skills, along with ensuring we can strike a ball with control. We will also be looking at how much exercise we need in order to stay healthy.
Sport, will be a feature this term, with Sports Day and the RLT KS2 Corby Athletics Event to look forward to on the 14th June - it should be a fantastic day!
We will also, of course, have moving-up afternoons towards the final part of the term.
Other key information:
- PE will be taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please can all children wear PE kit on these days.
Please continue to have spare outdoor shoes for play and lunchtimes.
It all looks to be an exciting final term!
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office or Class Dojo, should you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Termly Overview
Term 6 Timetable
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 5
Term 5 is set to be a really exciting term for Willow Class!
There is so much to look forward to, starting with the Year 4 residential to Hilltop. We hope Year 4 have a fantastic time and look forward to hearing all about their experiences and adventures in Norfolk!
Towards the end of the term, we have our play performance of, 'Star Warts: The Umpire Strikes Back!' The play is great fun and action-packed and we cannot wait to begin rehearsals!
This term, will also see the Coronation of King Charles III and we will be marking the occasion through our DT project, where we will design, prepare and make items of food for a Coronation party!
In maths, we will be developing our understanding of time, using both digital and analogue clocks. We shall also be working with money and estimating amounts, aswell as solving monetary problems. Shape, will also be covered this term, where we will study polygons, quadrilaterals and angles.
In literacy, we shall be starting our new science fiction class book, 'Troofriend' by Kirsty Applebaum. We will use our study of the book as a basis for writing our own stories, including one to be entered into the RLT Writing Competition! Our non-narrative writing, will be based upon a balanced argument, where the children will write from two different perspectives.
In RE, we will be continuing with our study of the Sikh religion and are looking forward to a visit from a member of the Sikh community, who will answer any questions the children may have on Sikhism.
Athletics, will be our PE unit for this term and we will be developing our skills and knowledge in relation to running, throwing and jumping.
In art, we will be investigating the work of set-designers, such as Rae Smith and Rose Hurley. We will understand how inspiration can be taken from music and literature, before sketching our own designs and reflecting upon our creations.
In PSHE, we will be thinking about relationships, discussing friendships and developing strategies to help with situations that may arise.
Other key information:
- PE will be taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please can all children wear PE kit on these days.
Please continue to have spare outdoor shoes for play and lunchtimes.
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office or Class Dojo, should you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Termly Overview
Term 5 timetable
Term 4
I hope you all had a fantastic half-term and are looking forward to a great new term in Willow Class! We have many EPIC learning opportunities to experience over the coming weeks.
In maths this term, we will continue to study fractions and understand how we add and subtract from mixed numbers and find a fraction of an amount. We will then move onto percentages, where we will develop our understanding of what a percentage is and how to convert fractions and percentages.
Our class book for the literacy unit this term, is, 'Middleworld' by J and P Voekler. It is a thrilling adventure story set in Central America, which sees the lead character discover secrets about the ancient Maya. The children will be focusing on using paragraphs effectively and using dialogue to convey character and advance action, when writing their own ending to a chapter of the story! Later in the term, we will be studying how to write persuasively and how to use modal verbs to support this genre.
The literacy unit, links in with our history unit this term where we try to answer the question, 'Why should we study the Maya?' We will be exploring the ancient Maya and investigating how they developed their own calendar and calculation system. We will look at Maya hieroglyphs and study the findings of archaeologists, which are relevant to this period. A key part of our learning, will be to draw comparisons with the Anglo Saxon period that was taking place in Britain at the same time.
In science, Year 5 will be investigating light and discovering how we know light travels in straight lines and how this knowledge can then be used to explain how objects are seen and why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them. In Year 4 science, the children will be investigating living things and their habitats and learning about how living things are classified. We will be undertaking some great outdoor learning activities as we explore the environment around us!
In RE, we will be finding out what is meant by, 'The Trinity' and the role it plays in baptisms and prayer. We have also been invited to a 'Bible Times' experience at Market Overton, on Monday 27th February which we are really looking forward to and which should be a fantastic interactive and informative experience for the class!
In PE this term, we will be developing our skills in playing tennis! We shall learn how to hit the ball over the net with control and accuracy. In Real PE, the children will be using their creativity to build routines and adjust tactics to a situation.
Music, will focus on 'pitch and pattern' and Mr Barlow will be supporting the children in identifying patterns and repetition in music, before going on to create their own compositions. Also, in preparation for our production, we will be practising the songs for the play.
In PSHE, we will be thinking about how to stay healthy and considering the effects of alcohol and smoking on our bodies. We shall be discussing how we can resist pressure to behave in a certain way, as well as learning how to stay calm in an emergency.
Other key information:
- PE will be taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please can all children wear PE kit on these days, with indoor PE shoes.
Please continue to have spare outdoor shoes for play and lunchtimes.
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office or Class Dojo, should you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Termly Overview
Term 4 Timetable
History Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 3
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are looking forward to an exciting new term!
This term, our key question in Geography is: How does life in Sao Paulo, Brazil compare to life in Rutland? We will be using maps and atlases to identify the location of South America and Sao Paulo and we will be studying physical features such as the Amazon river basin, deserts and rainforests and investigating how the region compares to Rutland. We shall also be finding out about the Incas and using our knowledge of the region to create maps in our Art unit!
In maths, we will be exploring fractions further, by converting mixed numbers and improper fractions as well as adding and subtracting them. We will be multiplying 2,3 and 4 digit numbers by a 2-digit number and solving problems using multiplication skills. In division, we shall look at short division and remainders and use division to solve problems.
Literacy this term will focus on explanation texts, where we will study the features of these texts before composing and writing our own. We shall also be looking at playscripts this term and the children will have the opportunity to write their own scene of a play!
In the wider curriculum, we shall be covering some fantastic units of work. In RE, we will be exploring Sikhism and considering what it means to be a Sikh in Britain today. In Science, Year 4 will be investigating sound and Year 5 will be looking at the human body and investigating the circulatory system. Art, will focus on typography and bringing our geography knowledge into art lessons to create maps. Dreams and goals will be discussed in PSHE and we welcome back Mrs Honorez for French, during which the children will be exploring language and culture. In PE, children will be undertaking gymnastics and creating their own gymnastic routines!
We also have some fantastic enrichment sessions planned this term and of course, Year 5 will be taking part in Young Voices 2023!
Other key information:
- PE will be taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please can all children wear PE kit on these days, with indoor PE shoes.
Please continue to have spare outdoor shoes (wellies are preferable) for play and lunchtimes as I am sure we will still be having plenty of wet weather!
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office or Class Dojo, should you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason
Termly Overview
Geography Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 2
Welcome back to what is going to be a fantastic term!
We will have plenty of exciting, EPIC learning along the way as we head towards Christmas!
Our big question this term is geography based where we will be asking 'How and why should we do all that we can to look after our rivers?' We will be studying the structure of rivers, identifying and locating the longest rivers and looking at the effect humans have on rivers before we develop our understanding of the Water Cycle.
In maths, we will be focusing upon multiplication and division and investigating prime, square and cubed numbers. We will be developing our reasoning and problem-solving skills and looking at multiples and factors. We will also be investigating fractions and mixed numbers.
Literacy begins with poetry, where we are going to be studying the structure and language of poems before composing our own poem, on the theme of 'Remembrance' that can be read during the Remembrance Service at St Nicholas Church. Later in the term, we will be reading the fantastic 'Dragon Mountain' by Katie and Kevin Tsang and identifying how dialogue is used to move action forwards. We will then be applying our learning to our own written compositions. The term will conclude with the writing of a Christmas themed story as a whole school and as a class we will be responsible for a section of the story.
Electricity will be studied in Year 4 science. We shall be investigating electrical appliances and getting 'hands on' with building our own electrical circuits. We will identify how a switch affects a circuit and identifying which materials are conductors and insulators. It should be a great unit with plenty of practical opportunities! Year 5 will be studying the classification of living things, using the Linnean System of Classification. Understanding life cycles and the reproduction of plants and animals will require some super investigative work!
In the wider curriculum subjects, we will be undertaking a range of great topics. In RE, we will be considering the question, 'What do Christians learn from the Creation story?' In PSHE, we shall be celebrating difference and in computing, we will be working with Word and expanding our skills, as we look at ways we can edit and format documents. DT will be great fun as we explore and work with pneumatics to create a toy! PE will involve working on ways to improve our balance as well as studying choreography in dance. Some children will also be swimming during this term, undertaking different strokes and demonstrating safety in the water.
Other key information:
- PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please wear PE kit on those days with indoor PE shoes. Those children who are swimming, will require their swimming kit and a towel in a bag.
- Please remember to have spare outdoor shoes (wellies are preferable) for play and lunch as it will be increasingly wet.
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office or Classdojo if you have any questions.
Here's to a wonderful term!
Mrs Mason
Term 2 Timetable
Termly Overview
Geography Knowledge Organiser
Science Year 4 Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser
Term 1
This term, our main topic is history and the key question we shall be investigating is, 'Eizabethan Times - All banquets and fun?' During the unit we shall be exploring what it was like to live in Elizabethan times, finding out about important characters during the period and considering how this period differs to other ones we have studied previously.
In maths, we shall be looking at place value and numbers up to one million, along with rounding numbers and negative numbers. We shall also be estimating, adding and subtracting up to 4-digit numbers and undertaking inverse operations.
In literacy, we will be reading historical fiction and our focus book will be the brilliant 'The Executioner's Daughter' by Jill Hardstaff. We shall be using this to support us in writing a setting and character description. This term, we shall also be writing a non-chronological report, based upon Elizabethan times.
Other curriculum subjects covered this term include RE, where will be finding out what it is like to follow God and looking at the story of Noah. PE will focus on hockey and personal coordination and footwork. In science, Year 4 will be undertaking investigative work through the unit, 'Animals, including humans' and Year 5 will be studying the unit, 'Evolution and Inheritance.' In PSHE, children will be considering 'Being me in my World' and French will focus upon new vocabulary.
We shall also be considering what it means to be kind and how we can ensure we are always ready to learn.
Here is some more key information:
- Please bring a water bottle, reading book, reading record and learning journal to school each day.
- Please bring an outdoor set of shoes and an indoor set of shoes each day. (You can leave the outdoor set in school if you wish).
- PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday and children are asked to come in their PE kit on those days.
- Homework: Daily reading, Times Tables Rock Stars, Quick Maths and Spelling will be given weekly.
Should you have any questions regarding the information on this page or any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo or the school office.
Many thanks,
Mrs Mason