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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Week 11 22/06

Weekly Plan - Year 3

w/c 22nd June 2020


This week


1) Please follow each of the daily links for the maths this week. 

2)  This week we will be looking at a short story and writing a character description.

3) Story Time Online is a different resource for reading where you can listen to different stories read by authors and celebrities. 

4) Geography sessions have been uploaded

5) This week we are learning plants

6) We also have an RE task about Hinduism.

7) You can keep going with Joe Wicks PE or I have added some other options including Just dance and Cosmic Yoga (there is a Harry Potter one!)

8) Challenge yourself with an enrichment task too - great fun!


This week, I would love to see these tasks uploaded to your portfolios so I can give you feedback:

  • Your final piece of literacy writing 
  • One more task that you are proud of


Feel free to upload more if you like but do not worry if you do not get to upload this week! I will be looking at the work submitted and choosing my EPIC learners from what I have seen. 


Many thanks,

Mr Platt  


Please hover your mouse over the activity you wish to complete, you will then be able to access a PDF document or PowerPoint slideshow with instructions for that particular task.


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