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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Term 6 - Week 5: Papier Mache Sculptures

Making papier mache is such a fun way to create sculptures and this week I am going to show you just how easy they are to make!

To make the paste you need water, flour and salt. You will need strips of newspapers to dip in the paste and an object (like a balloon) to stick your pasted paper to!

Follow my step by step instructions below:


Here are some udeas of things you could make... but you could make anything!

Papier Mache scupltures take time to make so remember to build up your layers and leave to dry fully before you attempt to paint.

Have fun and don't forget to send me through some photos!

 smiley Mrs. Morton smiley

Look at this amazing sculpture by one of our Foxes Team!

Still image for this video
I was so very impressed by the work that had gone in to making this cat sculpture! 10 dojo points awarded! Well done!

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