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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Make a seashell sculpture!

This activity was inspired by a sculpture that was sent to me by Finley in the Foxes Team. He made this fantasic family sculpture using seashells as part of our learning on the sculptor Barabara Hepworth! Well done Finley!

Seashells and pebbles make wonderful sculptures!  Did you know that 'pebble stacking' or 'stone stacking' is a recognised art form and there is even a European Stone Stacking Championship event that happens every year!

At school, we have our very own 'stone stacking' sculpture outside our main school entrance! Have you seen it? 


This shell mosaic is a lovely idea and is easy to make.

What you will need:

A tinfoil container such as a pie / quiche dish

A collection of shells or pebbles

Some plaster of Paris

Varnish or PVA glue (optional)


How to make it:

1. Collect some interesting shells and pebbles.

2. Mix up some 'plaster of Paris'  in a bucket

(according to the instructions on the packet) and pour into a tin foil container.

3. The plaster works best if left for a short while so it begins to set.

Once it starts to harden, begin to arrange and press your shells and pebbles into the plaster.

4. Once you have finished your design, leave to dry - outside in the sunshine is an ideal place for this!

5. It is a good idea to peel of the tinfoil dish before they completely harden. Pop them out of their tins and break off all the rough edges along the sides. 


6. Finally, a layer of varnish or PVA glue can be added if you want a 'shiny' finish otherwise your mosaic is complete!



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