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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Week 2 (wc 11.1.21)

Weekly Plan Year 2


Please hover your mouse over the activity you wish to complete, you will then be able to access a PDF document or PowerPoint slideshow with instructions for that particular task. 



Hi Team, 


Please find attached your activities for this week: 


  • Each day get active with either Joe Wicks, cosmic yoga or go on your own exercise. 
  • Maths - This week we will be starting our multiplication and division unit. 
  • Literacy - Having read the story Traction Man we will develop our skills to help us write our own version of the story. 
  • Afternoon sessions - Each afternoon will have a different focus (Science, History, RE and Enrichment activities.


Read Write Inc.


To help you all continue to practise your phonics this term I have created packs of books for your to use at home. Where possible I have tried to give you two books. When asked to use the red and green words they are at the front of the smaller books which we use in school and they will have the addition book bag book. In some cases where we do not have enough copies of the school book you can look in different week to find these words. In the plans for RWI I have put the book number that you should be reading.  




This week I have added a spelling rule for the children to be learning. They will be focussing on the spelling of the phoneme or when there is an a before l or ll. The short video is to introduce the sound on the Monday and then I have a list of suggest activities for you to practise. We will not be testing these spellings but it would be fantastic if you could practise a little each day. 




Madame Honorez has provided you with a French lesson for you to work through. This week the aim will be learning numbers to 10. 


It has been great to see so much of your amazing work and getting to see you smiling faces each day has been awesome. Keep up the hard work and I will see you at our daily check in at 9:30. 


Have a fab week. 


Mr Platt

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