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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Week 7: Photography Challenge!

Creative Photograhy Font Challenge!

This week's challenge involves a spot of creative photography and uses your skills of resourcefulness. This could be done using a camera, phone or any electronic device with a camera function. 


I challenge you to find and take close up photos of things that could look like letters of the alphabet! Here are some examples:



Once you have pictures of 'letters'. Can use these letters to make words?

Here is an example:



Challenge 1 : Can you spell your name? (3 dojo points awarded)

Challenge 2: Can you spell 'St Nicholas'? (5 dojo points awarded)

Challenge 3: Can you make the whole alphabet? (10 dojo points awarded)


Please do send me your pictures so I can award you your dojo points for taking part! I love to see all your fabulous creative work so do keep sending it to me! Have fun! Mrs Morton


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