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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Easter Holiday Fun - Wildflowers!

British Wildflowers!


My challenge this week comes in two parts again! A is to choose a wildflower that you quite like the look of and find out what it is! B is to design a Flower Fairy for your wildflower!


Part A


In your garden, or whilst on your daily walk, I wonder if you can spot a flower that you particularly like the look of. Take a photo of the flower if you can and then see if you can identify it. There's a great app called Picture This that might help you with this challenge:


Picture This


This website might help you too:


Country Life (A Simple Guide to the Wildflowers of Britain)


Part B


Once you have identified your wildflower, your next challenge is to design a Flower Fairy. Here's a link to a website that might inspire you:


Flower Fairies


Mr Alfieri

Finding a wildflower that you like...

Identifying your wildflower...

It's a Siberian Squill, also know as Scilla.

Designing your fairy...

British Wildflowers

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