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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Week 11 22/06

Weekly Plan - Year 5

w/c 22nd June 2020


This week


Weekly video


1) Please follow each of the daily links for the maths this week. 

2)  This week we will be looking at a short story and writing a character description.

3) Geography, science and RE sessions are available to have a go at.

4) You can also stay active by using the morning workout links.

5) Challenge yourself with an enrichment task too - great fun!


This week, I would love to see these tasks uploaded to your portfolios so I can give you feedback:

  • Your final piece of literacy writing 
  • One more task that you are proud of


Feel free to upload more if you like but do not worry if you do not get to upload this week! I will be looking at the work submitted and choosing my EPIC learners from what I have seen. 


Many thanks,

Mr Platt  


Please hover your mouse over the activity you wish to complete, you will then be able to access a PDF document or PowerPoint slideshow with instructions for that particular task.


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