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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Term 6- Week 1- The Return of the Premier League

Welcome to Mr Bates' PE Challenge: The Return of the Premier League


This week, we are focussing on the return of the Premier League; we will consider juggling a ball with our feet. 


Below are a series of clips, warm-ups and skills, each increasing in difficulty. Work through each of these challenges; consider how each one is different or more challenging than the previous.


To increase or decrease the difficulty whilst completing these challenges, consider how you could 'STEP up' your activity. STEP stands for:


Space- could you make the playing area bigger or smaller, longer or shorter; does this make it easier or trickier?

Task- instead of just juggling the ball, could you have a target to aim for?

Equipment- change the size of the ball you use? How might this make it easier/harder?

People- could you use a sibling or family member to help by either serving/throwing you the ball? Could you make it a two person attempt?


Don't forget, don't practice until you get it right... practice until you can't get it wrong!


Can you beat your personal best?


Good luck with this weeks challenge; share your attempts to your portfolio!

To get you warmed up:

Warm-up 1

Still image for this video

Warm-up 2

Still image for this video


Still image for this video
Your task:

Attempt 1

Still image for this video

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