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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Week 7 18/05

Weekly Plan - Year 6

w/c 18th May 2020


This week

  1. We will end our unit on Measurement and begin a new on all to do with Perimeter, Area & Volume .
  2. We will complete some tasks based on this week's book 'Flood' by Alvaro F. Villa before composing an alternative ending to the story.
  3. We have four history tasks to choose two from based on technology during WWII and Anne Frank.
  4. We have an RE task all about the Jewish place of worship, the Synagogue.
  5. We have an art task focussing on composing a landscape from Flood.
  6. There are a range of updated enrichment activities for you try throughout the week, especially on Friday.


If you can, please continue to upload your writing drafts to your Dojo portfolio and if you could also upload your topic/RE/art tasks as well, I would love to give you feedback on them!

If you would like to upload any other pieces you're particularly proud of as well, that would be amazing!


Please hover your mouse over the activity you wish to complete, you will then be able to access a PDF document, video or PowerPoint slideshow with instructions for that particular task.  



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