Class 2
Wow Class 2!
You were amazing on our trip to Rutland Water. Every child kayaked with confidence and enthusiasm. You all used resilience to challenge yourself to try new experiences and you exceeded all our expectations. We are all very proud of you. Look below for some photos of the fun.
Looking forward to our next adventure on Monday.
Welcome back to Class 2. We hope you had a fun and restful holiday. We have a busy and action packed term ahead of us and we have already made a great start.
Our topic this term is “The World Cup” and we have been allocated Group G (Germany, Ghana, Portugal and USA). This is an excellent opportunity to focus on a wide range of geographical learning and comparisons although we shall also be following the progress of our teams closely.
We have lots of other adventures to look forward to including a visit to Rutland Water (Fri 11th July), the Botanic Gardens in Leicester with Class 4 (Mon 14th July), a multi-skills festival with other children from across the county (Tue 8th July), continuing our Walkwise learning (Wed 4th, 11th and 18th June), whole school art experiences with a world cup theme (starting on 10th June) and of course Sports Day (Wed 16th July). If you would like to come and support us in any of these activities then you would be very welcome.
This term PE is on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Please can all uniform and PE kit be clearly named. It is very helpful if the children have named outdoor shoes to wear on the field at lunchtime. Thank you.
We visit the library every Thursday but books can be returned and placed in the box before then.
Please come and talk to us anytime. Longer conversations are better after school and feel free to email via the office if that is more convenient.
Best regards
K Muir
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