Class 3
What a brilliant term we had last term! I have been so impressed with all of your enthusiasm in class and thank you so much for all of the creative pieces of homework that you have completed so far!
Key information
Topic - Our topic this term is going to be Brazil! We will be using maps, finding out about the climate, comparing London to Rio de Janeiro, investigating what is happening to the rainforest and discovering lots of exciting things about Brazilian culture.
Music - This term we will be learning about music and instruments from different cultures and learning to play African and Brazilian Samba drums.
D&T - We are going to be learning all about cold drinks. We will investigate and test popular cold drinks and then use our research to design our own Brazilian themed cold drink to sell so that we can raise money to support the Amazon rainforest (the children will help to decide which charity to give the money to... if we make any!).
ICT – This term we are going to become travel presenters! We will be learning new ICT skills to help us to show others what we have learned about Brazil.
Science - We are “Keeping Warm” by finding out about temperature. We will be planning and carrying out lots of tests involving heat and investigating how we can keep warm or cool. We will be learning about thermal insulators and conductors and discovering how a thermometer works.
PE - PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday this term. You must make sure that you have trainers and an outdoor kit in school. On Wednesdays we will be attending the Vale Judo Club in Oakham – you will need to make sure you have loose fitting clothes with no zips or buckles for this session.
It sounds exciting doesn’t it! I can’t wait to get stuck in!
Até logo,
Miss Rowe