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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Adverts for our KS2 Production

Class 4 have been working hard in preparation for our end of year production. We have been looking at persuasive writing and were given the challenge of writing and performing a short radio advert for Twelfth Night. Click on the links and have a listen.

Alice, Zoe and Annabelle's Advert

An advert to inform about our end of year production.

Billie, Alanta and Sophie's Advert

Come and watch our production of Twelfth Night.

Brandol, Cameron and Rory's Advert

How could you miss this production?

Edward, Owen and Adam's Advert

A production not to be missed!

Isabel, Amelie and Holly's Advert

Twelfth Night adapted by St Nicholas School.

James, James and Christopher's Advert

An alternative version of Twelfth Night.

Karen, Maaike and Louise's Advert

An invitation to our production.

Maisie, Eleanor and Owen's Advert

An advert for our school production.

Molly, Tillie and Ruby's Advert

A production you won't want to miss.

Sam, Alex and Ben's Advert

A production that is a little different!

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