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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Class 1

TERM 6: 2013

We do hope you 
had a lovely break! 
It's amazing to think we are now in the final term of your child's first year in school. What an amazing and enjoyable journey we have all been on together...but it's not over yet! We have another exciting term ahead of us!




The children have chosen to learn about 'Volcanoes and Dinosaurs' for term 6. We hope to nurture and hatch out a dinosaur egg (!) as well as some quails eggs so its all very egg-citing! Our family box has now come to an end but we have so enjoyed learning all about each child and thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into this project. We hope to introduce you to our baby dinosaur shortly who would love to come home with each child for a night! More details to follow!

Our assessment will focus on our children's 'Learner Characteristics' and their attainment across all of our Areas of Learning. You will soon be receiving your child's first end of year report which will give you a personalised account of the fantastic progress our children have made this year!

We help the children prepare for their move to Class 2 and you will notice some subtle changes to this term as we get ready for the transition. Class 1 will no longer come into the classroom with their things before school starts but will line up with the rest of the school and come in independently to do their jobs and organise themselves (when the bell rings). Trust them...they can do it! We have also arranged a trip to Belton House with Mrs. Whitmore's class on July 3rd as well as other planned opportunities for the children to get to know Mrs. Whitmore. 

On Friday 14th June we welcome our 'new starters' for the morning and this will continue for 3 consecutive Fridays. Our children will vacate the classroom for ICT / Library and Outdoor Activities whilst this takes place so just usual Friday morning activities for our children.

As the weather finally warms up, much of our learning gravitates to the outdoor area so it is essential your child had a sunhat, sunscreen applied (preferably an all day lotion applied at home) and a water bottle in school. Also, PE kits must be in school as we make good use of the weather for athletics, sports day practice and country dancing.

Finally we must say a big thank you for being such supportive parents. We have loved working with you and so appreciate all you have done to make the year such a happy and memorable one!

Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Norton

Please click to view:

Trip to Whissendine Steam Society

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The adventures of Super Boris!

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