Class 3 Autumn Term 2011
Class 3 Autumn Term 2011
5th September 2011
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to a new term.
The children have arrived in school very excited and enthusiastic which is fabulous to see. We are looking forward our new creative curriculum which will allow the children to learn new skills through experiences and progress through the enjoyment of their learning.
Useful information:
Homework will be sent home next week; the children will have Learning Journal which will require the children to choose from a selection of different range of word, number, or topic tasks. All work is expected to be completed with best handwriting and presentation. Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and is to be handed in the following Monday morning. There will be more details about homework on the inside cover of the learning journal. If you have any comments about homework please use your child’s home/school diary to communicate this. Spellings will be in your child’s homework diary each week and will be tested each Monday and assessment is ongoing so please encourage children to learn them. They will also have a times table assessment every week, a copy of the assessment sheet will be sent home, to enable the children to practise them at home. The children are also encouraged to read at home daily. The children will be asked to bring in books they have read and enjoyed which they will share with other children in the school every Friday.
Our overview topic is ‘The impact of World War II’ which will continue through to Christmas.
As part of this we will be learning about:
Food/ Mouldable Materials,
Grouping Materials/ The Solar System,
ICT- research PowerPoint/ Word processing,
Music from different times and cultures.
The Church Year – Is Christmas a festival of light or love?
Finally, please can you ensure that your child has both indoor and outdoor PE kit in school throughout the whole week.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for continuing to support our work in Class 3.
We very much look forward to working with you during the year.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Baker and Mrs Barton.