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St Nicholas CE Primary School

P.E......fostering independence!

This term our theme for our PE sessions is gymnastics. The children are loving having the large apparatus out and are developing in confidence with every session! We are concentrating on the following areas of physical development:
  • Moving with confidence, imagination and in safety.
  • Travelling around, under, over and through.
  • Balancing and climbing on equipment.
  • Showing awareness of space, of themselves and others.
  • Demonstrating control when holding a shape or fixed position.
  • Jumping off an object and landing appropriately.
As you know, a big part of our PE sessions is the process of getting changed! This term we are really encouraging the children to become totally independent and responsible for getting themselves dressed and undressed. We appreciate it is not always possible for you to do this at home, especially when trying to get out on time in a morning, but it would help us immensely if (when time allows) you could persuade your child to dress and undress independently. We have noticed a big improvement already, particularly with coats and zips! You children are so proud when they realise they can actually do things for themselves!

Finally, in our continued drive to develop responsibility and independence, we are 'training' the children to put out and tidy away our PE equipment in a safe and supervised way. Each child is aiming to achieve their 'PE Certificate for Equipment Safety' award. Please take a look at our display in the classroom to see if your child has been awarded theirs yet!

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