Week 8 01.06
- Day 5 easy reading comp.pdf
- day 5 hard reading comp.pdf
- Litearcy Week 8 Day 3.pdf
- Litearcy Week 8 Day 4.pdf
- Literacy Week 8 Day 1.pdf
- Literacy Week 8 Day 2.pdf
- Spelling Rule 2B U6[6388].pdf
- Daily maths 4.pdf
- Daily maths 5.pdf
- Day 1 daily maths.pdf
- Day 2 daily maths.pdf
- Day 3 daily maths.pdf
- Lesson 1 - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol 2019.pdf
- Lesson 1 Answers - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol 2019.pdf
- Lesson 2 - Use arrays 2019.pdf
- Lesson 2 Answers - Use arrays 2019.pdf
- Lesson 3 - The 2 times-table 2019.pdf
- Lesson 3 Answers - The 2 times-table 2019.pdf
- Lesson 4 - The 5 times-table 2019.pdf
- Lesson 4 Answers - The 5 times-table 2019.pdf
- maths video links.pdf
- T6 W1 science task.pdf
- T6 W1 science sheets.pdf
- Week 8 Art Quiz.ppt
- Year 1 and 2 Art Lesson Week 8.pdf
- Lesson 1.pdf
- Lesson 2 .pdf
- powerpoint for lesson 1 and 2.pdf
- lesson 4 maths.pdf
- lesson 5 answers.pdf