Week 9 08/06
- Lesson 1 - Measure length 2019.pdf
- Lesson 1 Answers - Measure length 2019.pdf
- Lesson 2 - Equivalent lengths - m and cm 2019.pdf
- Lesson 2 Answers - Equivalent lengths - m and cm 2019.pdf
- Lesson 3 - Equivalent lengths - mm and cm 2019.pdf
- Lesson 3 Answers - Equivalent lengths - mm and cm 2019.pdf
- Lesson 4 - Compare lengths 2019.pdf
- Lesson 4 Answers - Compare lengths 2019.pdf
- Y3 Week 7 Alternative Plan.pdf
- Year-3-Spring-Block-4-Step-1-HW-EXT-Measure-Length.pdf
- Year-3-Spring-Block-4-Step-2-HW-EXT-Equivalent-Lengths-m-and-cm.pdf
- Year-3-Spring-Block-4-Step-3-HW-EXT-Equivalent-Lengths-mm-and-cm.pdf
- Year-3-Spring-Block-4-Step-4-HW-EXT-Compare-Lengths.pdf
- Year 3 Powerup 8.6.20.pdf
- Science Knowledge Organiser Year 3 T6 L2.pdf