WOW! It's Term 6! Can you believe it?!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a happy and relaxing break and ready for our final term together!
Term 6 is upon us - and what a busy one it will be! We will endeavour to cram in all the final topics and interests that the children have asked to learn about!
During the first two weeks of term, we will join in with the whole school's history learning focus but we will look at the Victorian Era and find out how everyday life was different in the past. We will enter a time machine and transform into Chimney Sweep Children for the day! We may even find our dancing feet! It's going to be a lot of fun! We hope to host our very own Victorian Tea Party too so look out for your invitations to this event!
After that, our learning will encompass the topic 'Wonderful World' and we will explore growth, life cycles, plants and animals....or wherever the children take us on our learning journey! We hope to visit Egleton Nature Reserve for some real hands on learning experiences!
Finally, as we wind down to the Summer Holidays... our learning will step up a gear as we have lots and lots of fun with our final topic of the year 'We're all going on a Summer Holiday!' Phew! What fun we are going to have! We will need a holiday after that!
Our Learning Behaviour focus is being Respectful; we will show respect for ourselves, others and our environment, We will also continue to reinforce being; ready for learning, resilient, reflective, responsible and resourceful.
Last but not least...we want to say a huge thank you to our families and friends for all your support this year! We have loved every minute of the learning journey we have had with your children. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work with them (and you) this year!
Please do remember, you can keep up to date with all our exciting learning here on our class page, our Twitter feed @StNichsEYFS and your child’s individual progress and achievements on Early Essence! Our door is always open too!