WOW! It's Term 6! Can you believe it?!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a happy and relaxing break and ready for our final term together!
Term 6 is upon us - and what a busy one it will be! We will endeavour to cram in all the final topics and interests that the children have asked to learn about!
During the first two weeks of term, we will join in with the whole school's history learning focus but we will look at the Victorian Era and find out how everyday life was different in the past. We will enter a time machine and transform into Chimney Sweep Children for the day! We may even find our dancing feet! It's going to be a lot of fun! We hope to host our very own Victorian Tea Party too so look out for your invitations to this event!
After that, our learning will encompass the topic 'Wonderful World' and we will explore growth, life cycles, plants and animals....or wherever the children take us on our learning journey! We hope to visit Egleton Nature Reserve for some real hands on learning experiences!
Finally, as we wind down to the Summer Holidays... our learning will step up a gear as we have lots and lots of fun with our final topic of the year 'We're all going on a Summer Holiday!' Phew! What fun we are going to have! We will need a holiday after that!
Our Learning Behaviour focus is being Respectful; we will show respect for ourselves, others and our environment, We will also continue to reinforce being; ready for learning, resilient, reflective, responsible and resourceful.
Last but not least...we want to say a huge thank you to our families and friends for all your support this year! We have loved every minute of the learning journey we have had with your children. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work with them (and you) this year!
Please do remember, you can keep up to date with all our exciting learning here on our class page, our Twitter feed @StNichsEYFS and your child’s individual progress and achievements on Early Essence! Our door is always open too!
We had so much fun in the sun on our special seaside day. Thank you all for the wonderful things you so kindly donated for the day! As you can see..... we loved it!
Our first Sports Day! The children did brilliantly today and it was so nice to see so many of you turn up to cheer your children on!
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! Do you want to come too?.....Look what we got up to! A special thanks to the PTFA for subsidising this fantastic experience for us!
Our fabulous Victorian Tea Party - thank you for your support!
Our chimney sweep dance

What a fantastic way to end a busy term! We had a lovely morning when we visited Stapleford Miniature Railway. We had fun riding around on the trains, visiting signal boxes and pretending to be train drivers. Our special thanks to our friends at Whissendine School for inviting us to join them and to Stapleford Railway for making this event possible. Please do try and pay them a visit on their open weekend on 13th / 14th June. Entry is free!
We had a fabulous time riding steam trains at Stapleford Miniature Railway!

Tunnel Vision?!!!!

Mud glorious mud! Having lots and lots of fun making mud pies in our mud kitchen!

We have been working on a special little project this term with the help of Mr. Bingham! The children have been showing off their artistic skills (as well as their resilience) by creating a mosaic of their own. We have so enjoyed learning how to do this and we extend our very grateful thanks to Mr. Bingham for giving us some of his valuable time, patience and resources to help us achieve these wonderful results!
We learnt all about keeping safe when we are out and about near roads today. Our special thanks to Rutland's Road Safety Officer, Mrs. Barnwell, who came into school to teach the children these valuable life skills.

We have been investigating painting with wheels and rollers! We looked at the artist Piet Mondrian who loved to make pictures with lines and blocks of colour. We used rollers to make our own Mondrian inspired Foundation Class masterpiece and then had a go at creating our own individual mini-masterpieces on the computer!
Having 'bales' of fun with the new additions to our outside learning area!

Bring your bike to school day! This was a huge success and the children loved it! Thanks so much for supporting this event and making it possible...we do so appreciate all your support!
We made the most of the glorious spring sunshine today to conduct our traffic surveys to find out if our school is on a busy road. We made a tally of all the vehicles we spotted and found out that the main road was much busier than our school road with lots of different traffic. Jack told us the school road can be very busy first thing in the morning and at the end of school and we talked about why this was the case! Fantastic learning Foundation Team!
Chip Chip Hooray! It's the last day of term...and what better way to end a lovely term.... with a trip to The Chip Shop! The children have been busy playing chip shops all week in our role play area so we thought we would pay a visit to the experts! Our grateful thanks to Cottesmore Chip Shop who were so very accommodating and welcoming! They showed us how the potatoes were turned into chips and then treated us all to a delicious portion of chips! Thank you so much to all the staff at The Chip Shop!

We had a wonderful afternoon of Easter activities with our families and friends from the Foundation Class. It was absolutely super to see so many of you enjoying sharing some time together with us and the children loved having you with them! Happy Easter!
Hot Cross Buns! We had a problem to solve in the Foundation Class today! Only 6 hot buns and 18 children to feed!!!! The children worked with their Maths Partners to come up with the solutions! Mr. Gooding will be pleased as we had a whole one left over just for him, the rest were quickly devoured!
Losing our marbles?! Well...not quite but a lot of fun was had painting with marbles this week! We dipped marbles in paint and then rolled them around our paper to make fantastic patterns. We explored colour mixing too by using different coloured marbles! The children loved it!
We have been investigating toys that move. We started off by sorting toys into two we could control and toys we couldn't control. This provoked a lot of interesting discussion as we didn't all agree! We then had masses of fun investigating the different ways in which toys move...such a fun afternoon!
We have been learning about toys from the past. We have had great fun exploring a box of real olden day toys from the museum. We have been using our investigative skills to sort toys into old and new. We showed our sorting in a Venn Diagram! Wow! As if that was not enough fun, we then tried on Victorian Masks and hoots of laughter could be heard from the Foundation Class!
We have had so much fun exploring toys this week! Here we are pretending to be Jack-in-the-boxes!

More Jack-in-the-box fun!
How lucky we are to have a fortnightly visit from the Rutland Mobile Library van! We have negotiated a small time slot for the Foundation Class to visit, browse and borrow books. Our grateful thanks to Rutland Library Services for being so accommodating!
Red Nose Day 2015! We had great fun supporting this worthy cause! Thanks for all your support!
We have been learning about special people and the special jobs that people do. We invited Hollie's mum in to talk to us about her special job as a nurse. She showed us how to wash our hands properly to keep us healthy. Our special thanks to Lisa for giving up her time to be with us.
At last! The day we had all been waiting for...the day of Cinderella's Grand Ball! The children all looked splendid in their costumes and outfits and a grand day was certainly had by all!
We read the story 'The Princess and the Pizza'! It inspired us to make our own pizzas! We made the dough, chopped up vegetables, spread purée, grated cheese and assembled our very own pizzas! It was so much fun! The pizza parlour opened during Cinderella's Ball... they were delicious pizzas!
We had lots of fun dancing at Cinderella's Ball!

More Ballroom Dancing!

We had a fantastic Christmas lunch today at school! The children enjoyed their meals and Christmas atmosphere in the hall! What a splendid way to get us all in the mood for Christmas! THREE CHEERS FOR THE COOKS!
The children were true shining stars for our performances of our nativity 'The Christmas Recipe'. We were so proud of them all! We hope you enjoyed it too!
Happy Birthday Birthday Bear!
Today was Birthday Bear's 5th birthday, the day we had all been waiting for! Birthday Bear sent us out on a 'bear treasure hunt' to find some of his friends. Each bear had a sound next to them which we had to write on our sheet next to our corresponding bear. Once all the bears and sounds had been found, it spelt out 'Happy Birthday!' The children loved this activity and were not deterred by the dreary weather!
We loved making these firework pictures on the computers! It was great fun! Our mouse skills are developing really well!
Guy Fawkes! We made a Guy Fawkes for our school PTFA bonfire and went on a walk to the village hall to drop him off!
Our first day at school! What super stars we were! Well done everyone!
We love being active! Just look at how confident we are exploring the great outdoors and practising our gross motor skills!
We love Fred Time! The children have already started learning their sounds. We have being using the writing rhymes to help us to 'write' our sounds in a variety of ways! Here are just some of them!
We love making and creating in the Foundation Class. This week we enjoyed the story about the 'Little Red Hen' and had great fun making our own bread! We also made and ate sandwiches after reading the story 'The Giant Sandwich'....mmmmmmmmmmm!
Sausage Sizzle Success! Thank you to all of you who made it to our 'Sausage Sizzle' event this afternoon. It was wonderful to see so many of you and meet other members of your family. A special thank you to Mrs. Bingham for supplying us with some delicious cakes and to Mrs. Lyons for her home made elderflower cordial!
Read Write Inc Information Video

The children have done so well with their first couple of lunch times! We've been having plenty of empty plates and they have soon got to grips with the lunchtime routine! What stars they are! For a copy of the full lunch menu up until Christmas, click on the link in the 'useful information' at the bottom of our page.
We love Elmer the Elephant! This week we have enjoyed lots of different stories about Elmer and have had fun making Elmer pictures of our own. The children have been using their 'magic fingers' to design their own Elmer's on the interactive whiteboard. They have also been practising their cutting and sticking skills too! Wow!
We love getting messy! We have had a very colourful week and have enjoyed experimenting with colour mixing, painting with frozen paint and squelching paint in our hands to make hand prints! Super fun!
We can 'sing' and 'sign' a rainbow! We have been learning the signs for the colours of the rainbow. Here are some of the children who wanted to show you what they had learnt.








Up, up and away! We had so much fun playing with the parachute! We were amazing at listening carefully and following instructions!
Goldilocks and the three bears was the inspiration for our learning through porridge! We enjoyed making and eating porridge, making and eating flapjacks and playing with oats!
The children are really enjoying their Mighty Mini sessions with Jack on a Tuesday afternoon. They are doing fantastically well learning lots of new skills.
We love mark making in the foundation class! We are developing our drawing skills with the help of our friend Squiglet! Each week will learn to draw something to do with our learning for that week. Here we are having a go at drawing Goldilocks!
Our first visit to the computer room! Here are the children hard at play on their computers. They are exploring a program and learning how to use their mouse to navigate around the screen, selecting and dragging items. Wow! Such concentration!
It's raining, it's pouring.....but it doesn't dampen our spirits! We still have fun, whatever the weather!
Harvest! It was wonderful that so many of you were able to join us for our Harvest Festival in church this morning. Didn't our children sit beautifully? We were so thrilled to be able to welcome you all to our harvest activity afternoon today too. The children were so excited to see you and we hope it made you as proud of them as we are! They have had a tremendous first term in school and have all settled so well. Thank you for all your continued support.
Away in A Manger (learning the signs)