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St Nicholas CE Primary School

Year 1

Team building with Y2. Great negotiating and listening skills.

Thanks to the 'The Party Animals' we were able to have some amazing hands on experience with many fascinating creatures. First up - snakes...

Some invertebrates!

Blue tongue Skink, Monitor Lizard, Chameleon and more!

Mammals - Red foxes, Meerkats and Raccoons

We had amazing time at the Tower of London. Thank you to all our helpers who made the day extra special. The children were fantastic when acting the story of the Great Fire during our taught session. Super proud of you all Team 1!

An amazing day spent with Year 6 planning and building Tudor Houses ready for our WOW day in Term 6!

Phonic detectives!

We have been learning to write using a quill, just like Samuel Pepys. Some of his entries were written in code to confuse any readers. Can you work out our code writing?

Teamwork to measure the playground.

Team 1 are continuing to make the most of the good weather - painting using sticks and fingers of our beautiful blossom trees in forest school time.

A visit to Oakham Fire Station to find out more about how we fight fires now compared to The Great Fire of London in 1666!

Term 5, Wow!

Welcome back – We hope that you have had a great time over the Easter Break and are fully refreshed for the penultimate term in Year 1.



This term our topic will be on ‘The Great Fire of London’. Thank you all for your suggestions, again some fantastic ideas which the children have generated.


We will build our own Pudding Lane and become newspaper reporters, writing eye-witness accounts of the GFOL. And so much more!


Please continue to access the ‘Active Learn’ homework. These fun games are designed to consolidate learning. The children also have time in school to complete the given tasks.


This term PE will continue to be on Thursday’s and Friday’s, so please ensure that all kit is named clearly and at school every day.  


Please remember to have wellington boots at school so that we can continue our outdoor learning. As you will have noticed we are becoming very ‘green fingered’ thanks to the help of Mrs Ross.                                              


We will aim to have a weekly trip to our library where the children can experience a range of books and can choose a book to bring home to share. Please return this book by the following Monday to ensure that the children can choose a new book to take home.



The children are making amazing progress with their reading. Please continue to question your child’s understanding of the text to help develop their comprehension skills. Please ask if you would like some question prompts. Your child will read during school time in RWI sessions, with Mr and Mrs Johns and with myself or Mrs Landy.

Learning logs will come home every other Friday with an activity to complete linked to their learning from school.

There will be a flyer coming home about ‘Show and Tell’.

Please come in to talk to us at any time. After school is easier for longer conversations or email the school office if this is more convenient.


Thank you!

Team 1


Class One Families, please come to our class assembly on Friday 27th March at 2.45pm in the school hall!


Such a busy start to Term 4 - check out our learning so far!

We had a super time learning about forces during a Mad Science morning...

We have started investigating the weather...

So super impressed with 'Show and Tell' - keep them coming!

Welcome to Term 4


Our topic this term is ‘Around the World in 25 Days’. Over the next 5 weeks we will be developing our Geography, DT and Art skills through the many ideas which the children generated. There is a link on the class page to show all the fantastic ideas which the children have suggested. We will try our hardest to cover as many as we can. Thank you for your support with this. We are looking forward to having some budding meteorologist in Team 1 this term.


This term PE will continue to be on Thursday’s and Friday’s, so please ensure that all kit is named clearly and at school every day.  


Please remember to have wellington boots at school so that we can continue our outdoor learning. This term we will become Nature Smart by planting seeds and taking care of our seedlings.


We will continue a weekly trip to our library where the children can experience a range of books and can choose a book to bring home to share. Please return this book by the following Monday to ensure that the children can choose a new book to take home.



The children will continue to access ‘Active Learn’ maths online to consolidate their learning.

The Rutland Road to Reading has now changed. The children have a new car and will be travelling along the road through different countries around the world. Please note that we will be changing the children’s books 2 or 3 times a week. The children have worked hard on developing their decoding skills, our focus now is to develop the children’s comprehension skills. I would therefore like to encourage you to ask your children more questions when they are reading e.g. can you tell me the main characters in the story? Can you retell the main events of the story? What do you think is going to happen next? Examples of these questions are in your child’s reading log, please ask if you do not have examples and would like some. Your child will continue to read during school time in RWI sessions, with Mr and Mrs Johns and with myself or Mrs Landy.


We are so impressed with the children’s work in their learning logs. They will continue to bring these home every other Friday with an activity to complete linked to their learning from school.


Please come in to talk to us at any time. After school is easier for longer conversations or email the school office if this is more convenient.


Thank you!

Team 1

Children's suggestions for 'Around the World in 25 Days'!

We have been investigating in Team 1 again! This time the aim was to find out where ice would melt the fastest and slowest in the classroom and why. The children became great scientist by predicting their results. It was a general opinion that the ice would melt the fastest on the radiator because it is warmer there and that it would melt slower near the back door as it is cold there. However, we discovered that Mrs Barton's cupboard was the coldest place because the Ice cube didn't melt! At the end of our experiment we investigated who had the warmest hands!

Welcome back Year 1 and Happy New Year!

We hope that you have had a fantastic Christmas holiday and are ready for what Term 3 has to offer!


Our topic this term is ‘Polar Explorers’ and ‘Treasure Hunters’ which focus on science and computing.


We will be ‘Maths Smart’ this term; completing many challenges in other areas of the curriculum which will require us to use our current maths knowledge and skills.  At the end of term 3 we hope to visit Leicester Botanic Gardens with Year 2 to complete a maths adventure challenge.


This term PE will continue to be on Thursday’s and Friday’s, so please ensure that all kit is named clearly and at school every day.  


We are hoping to have some ‘Forest School’ time this term; making bird feeders, bog-art and more. For these to be successful activities all children will need wellington boots or suitable footwear to be in school at all times.


We will continue a weekly trip to our library where the children can experience a range of books and can choose a book to bring home to share. Please return this book by the following Monday to ensure that the children can choose a new book to take home.




The children will continue to access ‘Active Learn’ maths online to consolidate their learning. The support that has been given to the children with their reading at home has been amazing. This is reflective in the work that they complete in school. Some children are now on their 3rd lap around the ‘Rutland Road to Reading’; we are as proud of their achievements as they are. This is brilliant, thank you!

This term the children will be introduced to a learning log. This will be used to set additional maths, literacy or topic challenges to be completed at home.

The children will now be bringing spellings home; you will find these in their reading diary. Look out for a letter which explains more.


We are looking forward to Mrs Landy joining our team.


Please come in to talk to us at any time. After school is easier for longer conversations or email the school office if this is more convenient.

Thank you!


Team 1 have been showing how responsible they are when looking after the environment. We have been making bird feeders using pine cones and seed. You can see these hanging from some of the trees in the school grounds.

We have started our topic on Polar Explorers by investigating which gloves would be best suited for our Polar expedition. From our investigation we have decided that they would need to be waterproof, flexible and warm.

During literacy this week we have been developing our knowledge of the alphabet and capital letters. We have been super responsible learners ensuring that we have tried our hardest and accessed all of the activities to secure our new learning.

Great fun had by all in KS1 planning, preparing and enjoying our team Christmas party!

We were inspired by the story of Stick Man and created our own stick men. Take a look at the new adventures that Stick Man went on.

What an amazing cast we had in the Christmas Recipe! Well done team you were excellent!

African drumming day!

Mr and Mrs Ramsden kindly showed us around St Nicholas Church. We learnt about special features in the church and about the Christingle. We made our own Christingles in class.

We are exploring non-fiction text in literacy. We hope to visit the library each week, providing the children with plenty of opportunities to discover different text. Please share your child's chosen book at home and return them to school on a Monday.

We became investigators during science. After spending time discovering different light sources, we learnt about how shadows are made. We identified that a shadow is made by blocking the light source with an opaque object.

We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 in different ways. Can you spot our new learning?

We only have 1 week left to practise for our Nativity. Please could you spend some time this weekend practising lines. 

During week 2 we have continued to bring excitement to our learning with our trip to Wildwood Kitchen in Oakham. Joel and his team were superb and ensured that the children had an insightful and memorable experience. We had great fun exploring the foods which are used to make the scrumptious pizzas before creating our own. The children are now armed with the knowledge on how to make a delicious pizza! 


We would like to thank all the parents who were able to provide transport and make this amazing event possible. 



Welcome to Term 2 in Class 1 where it’s time to Celebrate!


We are looking forward to an exciting and busy term ahead. Our topic this term is called ‘Let’s Celebrate’ where we will be learning about Autumn and Winter Celebrations. Our creative learning will have a Science and Computing focus. In Science, we will be investigating light and dark and in Computing we will be creating our own ecards. 


Throughout the term Class 1 will be preparing for the end of term Nativity and other festive events; dates for these will be confirmed.

This term the children will be able to access the Maths ‘Active Learn’ activities from home. They have had opportunities in class to familiarise themselves with the navigation of this site. You will receive a letter explaining how this works. There are also some useful links for troubleshooting at the end of Class 1’s page.

PE will continue to be on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that your child’s kit is in school all of the time. It is essential that ALL of their kit is named to help to prevent any items getting lost. You might also like to send in tracksuit bottoms as the children will continue to have their sessions outside, weather permitting.


Buster and Daisy have been having a great time coming home with some of the children. The children have thoroughly enjoyed sharing their diary entries with the rest of the class. Thank you for your support with this.



The 6 R’s…

Wow! What a great start to Year 1. The children have all shown a readiness for learning, taking the transition to Year 1 in their stride. During Term 2 we will focus strongly on being resilient learners. With the children’s positive attitude to learning we’re confident that they will show resilience and continue to achieve with an “I CAN do it” approach.


Please continue listening to you child read each night. Most of the children have or are about to achieve their 1st trip around the Rutland Road to Reading. We will be attaching reading targets to your child’s reading diary; please use this as guidance to extend your child’s understanding of their reading book. Questioning your children will develop their comprehension skills. 


To broaden your child’s exposure to different text, we will be visiting the library once a week where your child can choose a book to bring home. These books are to be returned the following week. Once the book is returned your child will exchange it for a new book.


Please keep checking our website page; we will share your children’s learning on here regularly.

Please come and talk to us about any issues that may arise. For longer conversations are better after school or please email the office to arrange an more convenient time.


For now ‘Let’s Celebrate!’


Week 1

We've had a fantastic first week back at school learning about the Hindu Festival Diwali. We recreated the Hindus welcoming of the Goddess Lakshmi with the children by making Diva lamps, Rangoli patterns and decorated Lakshmi's feet . Hindus believe that Lakshmi brings good luck and fortune for the New Year during Diwali. 

Through drama the children retold the story of Diwali, demonstrating how Rama rescued Sita from the evil demon Ravana!

We had great fun watching and dancing with "Dance into Science Day". During our session we became a recyclable object which went to the recycle plant to become a new object. We came up with some amazing ideas; can you tell what we are?

Our science week continued with learning more about our body. We showed great team work this week by building a skeleton, drawing our organs then investigating and using our senses.

We concluded our week with a trip to forest school. Whilst there we used some of our science learning from the week to create a sensory picture using items found in our natural environment. I'm sure you will agree; the teams have worked brilliantly and created some spectacular pieces of art!

We have had such a busy time with our learning over the last 2 weeks. 

  • A visit to the theatre to see 'Emily Brown and the Thing' inspired our writing.
  • Team work is a big focus in Year 1; this came in very handy when rearranging a sentence to make sense. 
  • We have discovered how Florence Nightingale changed hospitals and nursing. We all decided that she was a great pioneer who made a difference to how hospitals and nurses are today, thanks to the 'Lady with the lamp'.
  • We had a super exciting afternoon on Friday when Mr Gooding visited our classroom and we 'Facetimed' Year 1 at Ketton. We asked each other questions about what it's like to be in Year 1. The children thoroughly enjoyed informing Ketton of our learnings. 
  • We have been thinking in more detail about what we want to create in our invention room, making a more detailed plan before we get making.


Thank you for sending in boxes, bottles, cartons etc. We now have a very well resourced inventing room. We will be in touch if we need any more.


The children are zooming around the 'Rutland Road to Reading', speed cameras may need to be added! Thank you for your continued support - listening to your child read every night, even if for 5 minutes, will really help with their fluency and understanding of the text.


On Friday afternoons we will be spending our time in Forest School. The children have really enjoyed continuing their learning in the outdoor environment. Please ensure your child has Wellington Boots in school to enable them to access all the activities available to avoid getting soggy socks or dirty shoes! If you want to send your child with a spare pair of trousers for Forest School please do.


Check out the photos of Team 1's learning. 

We went to forest school today. We all had great fun, exploring, working together and discovering many different minibeasts!

This week we have been learning all about number bonds!

Things to know in Class 1

Contact Details and Useful Links
